Empowering Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Chronic Illnesses

Meet Luke Scudder, Your Compassionate Life & Business Coach

About Luke Scudder

Empowering Entrepreneurs Managing Chronic Illnesses

Luke’s journey began long ago, right back when he was a child, as unbeknownst to him, each and every experience he encountered was preparing him for a future he was yet to see.

It was only after some serious and life changing circumstances that he began to fully embrace his experiences. Taking his life experiences, over a decade of business expertise and over 6 years of living with numerous neurological diseases and turn them all into something positive.

Luke retrained, taking a course at university in Business Management HNC, achieving a distinction in his higher national certificate (HNC). He also took courses in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Coaching, accredited by both the ABNLP (American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming) and the ICF (International Coaching Federation).

Through his compassionate coaching and expertise, he has helped numerous individuals to accept their health challenges, realise they can still have hopes and dreams and achieve their entrepreneurial goals.

Luke also founded Limitless Ascend, a free online community, to unite and support aspiring entrepreneurs managing chronic illnesses and regularly delivers workshops and free trainings to his community.

Mission and Values

Guiding Principles


Luke’s mission is to empower individuals with chronic illnesses or diseases to view their health challenges not as barriers, but as unique circumstances that can be adapted to. Through my support and guidance, I aim to redefine success, enabling you to reshape your mindset, pursue your entrepreneurial goals, and lead a fulfilling, purposeful life. By providing assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs with chronic illnesses, I strive to help them create businesses that accommodate their health challenges, ultimately fostering a community of resilient and successful individuals.


Luke’s values are centred around empathy, resilience, positivity, and empowerment. I aim to understand and connect with individuals, acknowledge their challenges, and foster a supportive community. I promote resilience and inspire hope, guiding individuals to see opportunities in their circumstances. Ultimately, I empower individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams with confidence and purpose.

People having a Meeting
More About Luke

A Journey of Empowerment

Luke specialises in tailored online strategies for entrepreneurs with chronic illnesses, ensuring their dreams become reality.

With a deep understanding of daily realities, Luke provides compassionate life and business coaching to individuals with chronic illnesses, helping them confidently pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Through the use of software, systems, and automation, he supports the development of businesses aligned with unique conditions. His expertise and personal experience make him a trusted ally on the journey to success.

Take Action

Join Limitless Ascend, a Free Community Bringing Together Aspiring Entrepreneurs with Chronic Illness or Disease

Join the community, network with like minded individuals, receive valuable resources and get support on your journey to success.

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